Petang tuh after buke ade la sesi tiup lilin & potong kek si kecik tuh...
So let's the piccas tell you the story k... ;)
So let's the piccas tell you the story k... ;)
Dear Kamalin Nadhirah,
Happy 1st Birthday sayang. Mama doakan awak dipanjangkan umur & sentiasa dilimpahi rezeki serta kesihatan yg sejahtera. Semoga awak jd anak yg solehah & berjaya dlm apa jua yg awak ceburi. Be a good girl ye sayang. May your life be blessed always. Mama, papa & abg loves you so much! You are the apple of our eyes always! Muah! ;)
happy bedday Nadhirah cayang...
moga doa mama sentiasa dimakbulkan..
dhirah be gOOd girl yaa...
wah..menarik ar kek tu...nyummys!!
ko jd regular cust yati ek..hehe..
bile la aku nak order lagi kat dia..huhu...
happy birthday too dhira ....comel sgt ....auntie also hope u'll become a good girl and be a 'soleha' girl ......geram auntie tgok pipi tu ...rasa mcm mau gigit je ...
eza, nak ler strawberry cake tu ....ehhehe
happy b'day nadh cayang.. tomey btul ank sedara auntie ni.. cedapla tgk kek tu.. x penah try lg ngan yatt ni.. insya allah nk try la order skali :) eza, br puas aku tgk gmbr ank ko ;)
ina, tinie, zeti...
thanx for the bday wishes ;)
ermm mmg regular customer yatt la aku nih. kuih raye pon amik kt dia.. superb! ;)
later aku update gbr kt FP aku... raye nnt jgn lupe dtg umah, leh la ko tatap puas2 anak dara aku tuh zeti.. :)
Auntie nak ucapkan Happy Birthday cutie...
Semoga membesar menjadi anak yang soleha.
Happy Birthday Dhirah!!
Auntie doakan dhirah pjg umur..murah rezeki..and jgn noti2 ye..
Hullamak bday cake dia
sedapnyaa tgk ...
Happy 1st birthday dhirah !!
comey jeee dia
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