Mcm cacar air kan? Besa2 & berair... But nadhirah nye mcm campak yg halus2 tuh... Ermm mcm2 dh simptom skang nih & the disease dh xde musim dh. Bkn kt sarawak je dh, memane pon ade. Kalau last time aku x tau mane dia dpt, this time maybe kt skool dia. But aku x kompem la. Maybe gak kt tmpt lain. Tp td dh isi borang kt klinik for reporting to moh. Nnt diorg investigate la. Tomorrow i have to call the teachers to inform abt this... Kekdg diorg x seda bende nih. Ade tuh just pembawa, diorg x infected.
Doc kate td sbb nawfal dh kene last time, so this time dia dh immune. Xde dh hi-fever & ulcer. Just rashes tuh je kuar... Hmmm sib baik gak dia x dmm, dia kalau dmm x sng dok la aku. Very dangerous, dmm leh shoot hi temp, 40+ deg! Isk!
Even x dmm, still kene monitor. Kalau2 dia ade komplem of body ache or lemah2 bdn... Hope experience harituh leh tlg aku to handle it this time. Ms 1st time dia kene dulu mmg aku panic gile. Tp lps doc consult & reading sume, alhamdulillah we managed to overcome it...
Nadhirah is much better today. No fever, active & eating like usual... Hope mlm nih xde la dia dmm panas lg... ;)
To the parents, pls aware of this disease. Jgn amik mudah, it could get worst if you dont act fast! More reading abt HFMD here,here & here... ;)
1 comment:
harap depa cepat sembuh lah ye .. za, nanti aku ingat nak beli kain retro tu then nak suh angah tlg jahitkan utk buat dress .. hmmm harap cepatlah turun berat badan aku ni .. hehehe
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