Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am very sad..!

i am very sad to let you go
but i have no choice dear
hope you'll understand

and hope that we'll be strong ahead
i wish you all the best always
for the new beginnings of your life
and my prayers will always be with you

i love you so much!!!

ya Allah
i pray to you
may the sadness & worries be faded away
may we always be blessed by You...
- amin -

notes: be positive & just igt yg baik2, insyaAllah, sume nye akan baik... thanx kak! ;)


Mrs Zamzuri said...

ape kes?

zeti said...

nape ni eza? wut happen?

yurn said...

apa citer nya??

Ziana said...

nape nih??

eZa said...

xde pe la... aku just sedih je nk htr nadhirah g skool nxt mth... :(

time nawfal dulu aku x rs sgt mcm nih. tp tis time, time adik aku sedih over lak...

xpe la. i know she'll be fine @ skool. she's a clever & brave girl. pk positive nnt positive la sume. ade abg dia to look after her summore. ok la tuh ;)

i'm Lina said...

pasal nak anta dhirah to skool rupenye...
normal la as mama... sure risau...
coz slalu dia kat umah...
no worries k...
everythgs gonna be ok ;)

**ko nih..bikin saspen je..risau aku.

yurn said...

of course akan sedih.. me dulu nangis sorang2 kat umah masa memula nak anta ain gi school b4 balik keje after maternity leave hihi.. (anta 2 jam pastu dah amik balik :P)

~ #TinieFabulous ~ said...

amboi maknyer ...tu blom lagik kene pinang tu ...kuikuikui ...lex she 'll be ok ...mesti seronok dpt jumper member kan ...;)

@tune® said...

hope everythin gonna be okay...k...

Mulan said...

don't worry be happy..

eZa said...

sori ler buat saspen... x kenal aku eh? aku kan full of saspen! :P

sedih kan? uhuk! uhuk! :(

mcm tu la prasaan org ade anak pompuan kot. sensitif & risau lebih.. ko tuh esok mane nk ltk baby? MIL jage gak ke?? ;)

thanx! :)

yeah im calm now ;)