Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Laser pro part II

Ermm sambung lg kisah my FIL kt laser pro nih... Tgu punye tgu, kol 3 baru dia panggil masok waiting room OT. Prepare sume pe yg patut, 3.30 baru la masuk OT. X lame pon procedure dia, exactly 20min! Nk menunggu punye la sakan, 4jam sey! Isk!

Lps dh prepare sume, kene tgu lg 30min nk masok OT. Lagu dia pasang dlm waiting room ni mmg la soothing & relaxing. Kalau aku pon bleh tedo! :P Ye la dia nk tenangkan patient, jgn bg nervous sgt. I guess they achieved the objective! ;)

Since my FIL mmg xleh gerak sgt (post-stroke), mr hubby kene la masok skali dlm OT nk tolong positionkan my FIL kt dlm tuh. Ye la nurses dia sume halus2 je pon & aku x rase diorg tuh fully trained nurses. My FIL pon big size, so they need extra help la. Dh la mamat tuh poyos terase mcm surgeon. Ye la kene pakai la sume apron, mask & cap tuh nk masok OT. Bkn aku je gelak, nurses & staff kat ctu pon gelak gak tgk 'surgeon' tuh! Hehhehe Prasan la u b! :P

Pas dh siap sume, masok OT, after 20min kuar dh. Alhamdulillah, all went well. For diabetic patient mmg xkan dpt full vision mcm org normal after the ops. It's not abt the lens, it's all abt the nerves. Nerves dh infected & bleeding kalau diabetese, so mmg 50-50 la chances tuh... We pray for the very best! Alhamdulillah, after the ops, doc check blk mate dia kate insyaAllah the chances is brighter. Ayah nye nerves tuh not really too bad infected. ;)

So lps nih, within this 2 weeks kene la extra care mate tuh... Xleh kene air, nk basuh pon kene lap2 je ngn kapas with air masak. Kene amik antibiotik & eye drop every 3hrs. Nxt appt 22nd nih @ 2.30pm. So kene la amik 1/2 day off lg... Hope ayah cpt sembuh & the vision gets better... :)


i'm Lina said...

Alhamdulilah sume berjalan lancar...
hope FIL ko cepat sembuh...
eheh... ada gaya la hubby ko..hik2.. sib baik dia x pengsan kat dlm tu...
cube ko anta zie.. mau dup dap dia..heee...

MOLY said...

moga cepat sembuh hendaknya

Ziana said...

Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat!!!
Moga cepat sembuh yer..

haaa hubby ko dah mcm dokter dah

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah .. semer dah selesai cuma lepas ni kena banyak jaga jelah .. yg penting tak boleh kasi mata tu berair ..