We've been planning to have lunch at the chili's since a week ago. Tp biase la, plan x sume nye jd. So today baru la termakbul hasrat... Hehehhe poyo! :P Qme picked me up at the office @ 12 *thanx qme ;) Then trus g BSC, jmpe aida kt sane. Smpai2 mmg awal la... Trus je masok, duduk & order. Kalau tgk kt luar BSC nih mmg tgh renovate gile2, mmg skali tgk mcm tutop je kan. Rupe2nye kt dlm the business is running as usual. Full gak chili's tuh even jln nk masok dia cam main maze game :P A while later, aida pon smpai... Trus order, makan & pe lg... Gosip aa :P
Been craving for these for so long..! :P
kalau g chili's x tgal la mashed potato nih ;)
end up there were 3 mashed potato on the table :P
hehehe not as nice as its name kan?
salah order la pulak... hehehe :P
Tgh 1/2 way mkn, a fren of qme, ieza join us. Memule nk minom je, tgk mashed potato cam sdp dia pon order gak. Hehheehe tu yg smpai 3 on the table tuh :P Muke dia sebijik cam wife penyanyi fazley tuh, saling x tumpah... Ikot experience dia *read frm her blog slalu sgt org tego dia igt dia mmg that fazley's wife. Dia pon dh x larat, smpai satu ms dia layan je pe org tanye as she is really the wife of fazley... Hahhahaha Nice 1 girl! :D Nice meeting you ieza... ;)
mcm best jerk kan ...dari raye hari tu trigin nak mkn kat c tue ...biler plak nak g yea ...ehehheh
bestnye chili's!!
mashed potato tu mmg cedap kan...
sempat je ko layan time lunch yaa..hehe
pasnih.. xtvt kite ialah facial yer... hahaha
hi eza!its nice knowing u...take care n have a great weekend :)
gigihnya up date on time kan .. aku pagi ni terkemut² nak up date .. banyak sangat citer .. apa pun, best lah friday tu .. ;)
mmg la best! nk tgu ko, ntah la bile leh g :P
x sempat pon aku sempat kan gak! :P
facial?? beb! seumo idop aku x penah g facial... best ke?? :D
nice meeting you too iza ;)
kate blogger tegar. kene la update slalu :P
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