I didn't suspect anything wrong when i entered my room after the shower. And suddenly i noticed something on the bed. What???!!! Isk! Speechless... I called Nawfal & ask him why he did that. & as usual, he answered me as slumber as he is... "Ade abuk la mama... Abg buang kan... ;)". Hehehehe X jd nk marah. I was smiling at him & explain patiently to him that he is not supposed to that again nxt time... Again another slumber answer... "Ok..." :P Alahai anak mama... ;)
Luckily ade desktop to browse. And perhaps it's a sign & a reason for me to get a new lappy... Hehehe :P Bleh kan papa??? ;) Thanx abg 'tolong' buangkan abuk tuh ye... ;) Hehehe :P
masyaAllah.. kretip betul budak2 kecik zaman skarang ni..
baiklah nawfal tlg bersihkan habuk .. nanti besar esok boleh jadi mcm papa dgn mama yg mmg org it kan ..
pembersih sungguh anak ko nih.. hahahah....
indeed! mmg kretip bebdk skang nih ;)
hehehe alasan dia tuh xleh nk pk aku heh! pandai tul dia saiko aku :D
mmg pembersih dan penggeli jgk! :P
Aduh, Naufal... Naufal...
tu je la yg mampu sy ckp... nawfal nawfal... :D
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