Monday, October 20, 2008

Xyah mandi harinih???

Last saturday bwk Nadhirah g klinik for her 1yr immunization... *3wks late coz she had cold & cough the other day. bz raye lg :P Measles, mumps & rubella... As usual my kids never cried during their immunization ;) Tp harituh doctor loccum. Doubt jgk kan coz dh biase ngn doc yg slalu. Nadhirah pon mcm x selesa. Merengek sbb kene pgg & marah sbb doc tuh mcm x konfiden je nk cucuk dia. Hehehe bdk pon tau doubt ek? ;)

cleverer! :)

Yg aku nk cite, bleh plak doc tuh consult camnih...

doc: so utk yg setahun nih sume yg for virus besa2... mmg bleh dmm la ye
me: noted!
doc: for these 2 days, kalau bleh jgn bwk dia keluar k. sbb nih virus kan. so kene elakkan la pegi tmpt crowded & all
me: noted!
doc: since boleh bwk dmm, kalau bleh ptg nih & tomorrow xyah la mandi kan dia... just lap2 kan dia je, takot nnt lg demam
me: sengih & look at hubby wt puzzle (dlm hati i was like... what?! ko bior betul doc?!) *dh 2 anak aku, yg 1st dh 2yrs old, x penah lak aku dgr consultation mcm nih... sguh x masok akal! :P

Yg dmm tuh mmg la kan. Aku mmg tau, ni smpai xleh mandi pe cer?? Hahhaaha aku & hubby gelak je. X tau la grade mane doc tuh or was it a new approach/findings? So fa the kids alhamdulillah x penah nangis & dmm ms cucuk2 nih. Petua frm my paeds, lps je cucuk trus bg je ubat dmm. To prevent frm fever & the pain... ;) Mujarab! :D

1 comment:

Ziana said...

dia nk soh jimat air tuh..
x pepaham lg?

SYABAS dh bg free pon x cukup ke?