Thursday, November 13, 2008


Just came back frm melawat allahyarham ayah zie... After recited the yassin, i managed to have a quick chat wt zie...

Her dad left them at abt 8.15pm. Doc pon mmg dh bgtau since pagi tuh. So they stopped all the medication & machines. Zie & family pon mmg dh notice that he will be leaving... Zie said muke ayah dia berseri & senyum je... Alhamdulillah, dia pegi dgn tenang... :)

Tgk zie pon td ok je. Yes, she's strong! Hope mama pon strong la jgk as she's not that well too... Even zie, kakak & mama xde kt sisi arwah ms arwah pergi, itu sume sdh tersurat. Apa pon, hope everything will be fine. Yg pergi sememangnya akan pergi, kpd yg tinggal hidup mesti diteruskan...

Allahyarham meninggal pd umurnye genap 66 tahun 4 bulan smlm. The funeral ceremony will be held this morning @ 9am. Jenazah akan dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan islam cheras. Al-Fatihah.


Unknown said...

sampaikan salam takziah ye ..

pearl'E.J said...


eZa said...


kak ej,
same2 lah kite doa hope sume ok ek...