Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out

Remember this post? Yeah, it was just a very plain essay wt no intention of winning anything. Just to get the invitation to the nuffnang friso family day out. Hehehe Well we managed to go even it was late already. Arrived at 12noon & missed the morning activities. Smpai2 je trus diorg call for lunch. Ok la tuh kan, langkah kanan ;)

nawfal having lunch wt friends
4 in the table. dia sorg je boy kt table tuh :P

maybe sbb dh biase kt skool, ramai2 camnih
relax je dia mkn, x kisah pon aku tgalkan dia dlm room tuh

good boy abg, be independent k... ;)

tgk dia frm the glass je
adik, nxt time turn awak lak k ;)

Ramai gak bloggers. Ade gak familiar faces. But i just kept my mouth shut. X tergamak nk tego. Kang org bkn kenal kite. Ye aa bkn femes blogger pon kite nih... Hehehe just buat hal sendiri & layan the kids je... Yg tergamak aku nk tego minah nih je. Tu pon x sempat nk bergbr what-so-ever... Tego2 camtuh je... Nice meeting you shafa ;)

shafa wt her 2H ;)

Kt playland tuh byk equipments. ade slides, swing, tunnels, ropes, track-glides and other fun equipment. But what interest my kids the most was the balls. So let's enjoy the piccas of them in the balls-pool :D

There were a lot of activities in this family day out. Ade games, colouring contest, magic show pon ade. Nawfal was not interested to the tricks. Mama dia yg melopong lebih tgk magic tricks tuh. Hehehehe :P
Btw, the kizsports & gym itself have many programs to offer. Later nk pi yg kat great eastern mall lak lah. Let the kids learn wt fun & fitness ;) *tp fee dia leh tahan gak mahal! :P

it's time to recharge... ;)

As we already knew, the grand prize is the trip to HK Disneyland. Perghhh! Berdeba2 mase session prizes announcement tuh. Heehhehe dh tau dh mmg xde chance pon nk menang. Byk lg entry yg lg bagus & kreatif dr essay aku yg cikai tuh :P So ni la dia the lucky family... X bape dgr name blog dia. Later will check it out @ nuffnang ;) Congratulations to them! :)

I like this type of activities. Activities that involve parents & children. I am sure that i'll take part again in the future. We did enjoy ourselves. Tired but happy. But what's more important is that we can get together with family & friends... ;) Last but not least, thanx to nuffnang & friso..! :)


@tune® said...

xmenang time it will...hihihi

eZa said...

heehhe nxt time eh? insyaAllah... :)

Anonymous said...

eZA... tq for visiting bila tgk gambar u baru perasan I ada nampak u.... kena buat lagi gathering mcm ni ka... best best...

oh ya I nak add your link to be my Sawafriends

eZa said...

thx for visiting too... ;) tu la, kene buat lg gathering, best ade activity camnih ;)

me adding you to my bloglist tau :)