Sungguh puas hati menonton geng upin & ipin. Xde rase bosan skit pon. Sumenye cukop rase. Nawfal & i really enjoyed watching it. X logik? Hey, it's a cartoon, an animation. What do you aspect??? Aku rase better lagi dr aku tgk lawak2 slapstik mcm si.fu& or yg kononnye gune teknik cgi paling canggih. Haish! Bosan dh ngn mesia ngn cite2 camtuh. Perhaps geng save the world. Satu perkembangan yg bagus utk genre animasi mesia ;) Bravo!
Thanx to auntie zie for booking me the ticket, says nawfal. & let me had my 1st experience watching movie live at the cinema ;) Hehehe he really enjoyed it. No complaints of bored & sleepy. Takot gak kalau dia ajak balik. Alhamdulillah, that didn't happen. Mmg geng full of laughs & actions. Bebdk will definitely like it, even the adults will ;)
Ni bkn rombongan cik kiah eh. Ni rombongan cik zietikuih.
All together 20 org okeh. 2 rows for us. Tq :P
Cute pulak awak wt the hood.
Later we go for ice age 3 ok? ;)
For those yg x tgk lg geng nih. Pi la tgk. No regrets at all ;) Go support local products. I mean the good one, perhaps. Can't wait for the dvd to be released. Definitely buying! :)
he s cute wif hooded!!!
i loike!!
best kan!!
aku pon ngalah kn bebudak..
suke lak nengok Upin Ipin nih..mmg superB!!
u r most welkam!!
thanks coz coz join my Family Outing :)
misi bawak nawfal masok cinema berjaya :)
so.. next!!!!
Ice Age 3 k!!!
bila auntie zie nak bawa kitaorg plaks? ....eeheheheh
betul betul betul!!!!memang besh...aku baru g tgk smalam...
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