Monday, March 16, 2009


This week gonna be a very boring week for me. 4 days of training... *big yawn* The best part is i can go home by 4.30pm. The worst part is, hubby is working at ptjy this week. So nothing special, i still have to wait for him. As for today, right now i am still at the office. Arghhhhh! So tensi! :(

To add more flavors, for the past 2weeks, nadhirah health is not that good. Fever, coughing, flu & asthma... To make my worries even greater she's now having allergy all over her body. Started last saturday. The doc said that it's just a normal allergy. Sort of gegata... Dah bg ubat pon same je. Nothing better, it's getting worst. Will bring her to the real paeds today. Yet, i am still at the office... Damn!

Hope nothing serious.


Ms Lola said...

Nadhirah jumpa Paed mana? Kat APSH ke?

zeti said...

paed tu pebende ek? hope nadhirah x pape.. dun worry k..

Ziana said...

sian tgk dia garu2 mlm ari tuh..
kite same laa dhirah!!
tetibe jek kene cenggini
hish! tensen!

eZa said...

ms lola: slalu g kt klinik ong kt deret rhb ampang point tuh je... ade rekemended paed x kt APSH?

zeti: paed tuh short-form for paediatrician... doc kanak2 ;)

Unknown said...

teruk sangat ke?? aku nak rekemenkan kan pakar kanak² kat rumah aku ni mcm jauh sangat lah pulak .. apa pun, to dhira cepat² baik ye sayang ..

Ms Lola said...

DR HALIZA of APSH!! Tp dia ni mmg ramai la yg nak pi kat dia... Kena pegi weekdays baru tak rasa stress. Itu pun menunggu berjam jugak