Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Viral sane sini

Orang kate dmm ni musim. Ikut observation aku skang nih bkn musim lg dh. X tau la nk ckp camane. Poluted tul dh agaknye udara & air skang nih. Kalau psl nyamuk pulak dh mcm2 jenis. Dh x tau nk differentiate camane. Ermmphhh...

Alhamdulillah yesterday i managed to get the exemption for the afternoon class. Rushed home & brought nadhirah to APSH for the blood test. After an hr we managed to get the result. The white cells level is slightly higher. Dh la tgk camtuh, kene lak tgu dr ong to open his evening clinic @ 6.30pm. X keruan dibuatnye... Thank you Allah, nothing serious. It's just a viral infection. It could be the air or water, seafood or peanuts, cats or whatever. S'times kene gigit semut api pon leh jd rash & allergy cenggini. So for now the doc suggested us to continue the medication. Monitor her rash these 3, 4 days, if she's having it in the eye or mouth, there could be something else... Hope not! This Saturday she has to go for another blood test, just to make sure the viral level is decreased.

After this we have to monitor her food intake. Kate lah dia mkn kacang then jd lg, haa that time kene buat full allergy test (blood). A bit hard to do so as we cannot control her food at the nursery. Tawakal je la. InsyaAllah... Mama pon ade food allergy jgk dulu2, seafood esp mr crab! My fav :P

She's a food lover just like me. Sian anak mama... Her body scratched here & there. Garu smpai darah2... Mase tgh gatal tuh sian tul tgk dia... :( Be strong dear. You'll be just fine... :) I love you! Muah!


Ziana said...

memcm eh??

sian tgk dia..
x selesa..

hope dhirah strong..
get well soon dear!

Anonymous said...

sy pun masa kecik ade alergik terutama kat kaki dan tapak kaki. asal balik kg je mesti kene.. pastu atok suka beli sea food kat jeti nelayan.. lg la dia merebak sampai buku lali. mende ni jd sampai umur 7 tahun. sebab utama hanya x boleh kene/minum/makan/mandi air paip kat sana. pelik kan? nasib baik xde parut.. hehehe
hopefully nadhirah cepat baik.. amin.