Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Halal vs 'pork free'

Food is my true indulgence. X kire pe aku bedal aje asalkan halal & tiada keraguan. But as u can see there are plenty of kopitiams & restaurants mostly wt 'pork free' status. Bile ty pendapat ramai, most of them kate bleh mkn coz as long no pork is served & most of the popular answer would be 'ramai ape org mlayu mkn ctu... janji yakin tanpa was-was'.

When i was googling myself for the answer, i found this forum discussing on this. One of them wrote that the premisses didn't grant the halal logo bcoz they serves alcohol so they didn't meet the halal criteria. But we still can eat there as long they are pork free. Came to this even made me more unclear abt this. They don't serve pork but do they include alcohol in the meal? If they don't use alcohol to cook, mane pulak sumber ayam/daging nye if they don't have halal cert? Tmpt / peralatan masak dia camane pulak? Everything is counted when we talk abt halal, right? Wah! This gonna be hot & hard! I'm not making any conflicts here, i'm just making up an issue. Hahaha :P No lah! Just trying to clear the air ;)

I did send kemusykilan abt this here. X tau la bape lame they'll take to reply it. I'm sure you people have your own opinions abt this. Lain orang lain pendapat. What say you?

Apa yang penting? Kerjasamaaaa Keyakinan & keimanan kite on this. Tepuklah dada & selera, tanyalah iman... Answer this yourself, what is halal & what makes it halal? Haram tetap haram, tiada yg dpt menghalalkan. Tidak cukop hanya dgn keyakinan, all counted :) Alhamdulillah, my air is clearer now ;)


Mommy Lyna said...

oh kalau ramai Malay makan kat situ sebagai indication... u try datang sini.

can eat beside somebody tgh eating pork, even can eat from the same periuk, cuma tak senduk pork-nye je.


eZa said...

mommy Lyna: uhhh pedas! das! das! das! ehehhe ;)

Nurmala Mazlan said...

ye tak ye jugak..
pork free...tapi still ada alcohol yg non-halal nyer..

i'm Lina said...


setelah baca web itu....
kembang lak tekak aku....


muadzlife said...

heheh..i didt go to the links..but..mmg maksu try my best to avoid a pork free restaurants...

there are more options out kopitiam - i've found much2 better muslim's one- lagi sedap...

Anonymous said...

nanti dapat jawapan dr baheis tuh, share laa sini..

bab halal n haram nih sangat kene peka..


eZa said...

mala: hati2 lah lps nih.. ;)

ina: zuup bar soup tuh pork free tau... hehehe :P

maksu: aah. haritu g bangi kopitiam, not bad la... ;)

en mahesh: no prob. mmg tgh tgu la nih reply diorg. tah bile la tuh kan. dpt nnt sy publish cni ;)