Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back dated & belated

abang: mama! mama!
adik: mama! mama! mama!
abang: mama, abang ada hadiah untuk mama, nih! ;) hari mama...
mama: owhhh! tq sayang! abg buat sendiri ke?
abang: tak lah, buat dengan teacher. abang tolong je... adik pun...

weird. scary. cute.

Hehehe it's kinda back dated, but it's ok. Terharu mama. TQ dear! ;) To the teachers, thanx for teaching my kids the sense of toughtfulness and Happy Teachers Day! :)


Ms Lola said...

Ya! I baru nak kata scary (sib baik tuna blog dah kata dulu) - mcm voodoo dolls :P

knv said...

kids memang amazing kan?


@tune® said...

sweetnye anak² kamu

~ #TinieFabulous ~ said...

aler tomeinyer .....selamat hari ibu beb!!

eZa said...

ms lola: that's what i thought the moment nawfal handed it to me.. hahahha jahat kan? :P

knv: indeed. they are truly amazing ;)

@tune: ade cute mcm mama dia x? hahaha :P

tinie: comei eh? hehehe thx beb! ;)