So here I am writing again.
Back to the title. Itu lah yang aku rasa. Ditinggalkan. Oleh bff. Hehe. I just can't get over it. That is why I am here. Tengah serabut2 pikir itu ini cari punca yang tak nampak bayang I came across this article. Ya rabbi, macam sama yang aku experience. Ya memang betul, macam break off dengan boipren gayanya. Frust menonggeng. Maybe because we were too close. Not just as friends but dah macam adik-beradik dah. Here is the link of the article:
Tak tau apa punca sebab musabab macam mana boleh jadi gini. Penat dan tak larat dah nak pikir. So I put the blame on me. It's okay. Let me own it. I'm happy to do it :) Maybe aku ada buat salah secara tak sedar. Salah cakap mungkin jugak. Sometimes we talk about someone else. And the other someone yang terasa. Explain la camana pun. Tak guna. But I did say sorry. Bila baca artikel tu sedih rasanya. The way I've been turned down. Malu rasanya terhegeh-hegeh :) So I think that's it. I just have to move on. Yes, there's always two sides of the story. So be it. This is mine and I tried so hard to clear the air. Buat macam biasa. Pretending nothing happen. Every time pon I made the first move to start a conversation. But no point. No point at all. Aku yang termalu sendiri :)
Budak2 pun asyik tanya. Maybe diorang pun perasan :( It's okay kids. We still have a long way to go. Tak sabar rasanya nak move in to our new place. 85% siap dah. Hope dipermudahkan lah semua. Nak pindah bukan sikit2 duit nak pakai kan. But don't over-think. Nanti stress. Haha :P
Puasa pun dah nak dekat. Harap2 panjang lah umur ke Ramadhan ni. Eh, dah habis ganti puasa ke belum tu? I dah.. Haha. Velagak! :P
Akhir kata... Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Tiada kebetulan. Semuanya telah termaktub. I'm not ending the friendship. I'm not. But looking at the way you acted I got it clear. So if you read this I just want to say sorry once again. Halalkan makan minum segalanya. I wish you all the best in the world. And thank you very much for everything. Can't never repay your kindness. Kan ku bawa mati :)
So long my friend(s)...
Sent by eZa @ BlackBerry®
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