Monday, September 29, 2008

Jejak kasih @ SF Steakhouse

This is a late entry... Aida & Qimie already update it the next day... :P This was happened at San Fransisco Steakhouse @ MidValley. Rase2 dh almost 10 years x jumpe diorg nih. Ni la my best babes mase kat ptpl ampang ;) Slalu pon chat online je, email & sms. Masing2 bz with own life... So that day, mmg mcm jejak kasih la. Kuar la sume cite2 lame, sedih, susah, senang & happy stories. Catch up here & there. Last but not least, the gossips! Hahahaha trok aa korang! :P Nnt aku soh Naz Ahmad terjah la tgk tul ke dia 2nd wife ke pe ke ek?! :P

Aida with two kids. Still mcm dulu, same je aku tgk... Wei, xde la gemok mane pon ko tuh, jgn la prasan sgt ko tuh gemok! :P Qimie, mmg aku teruja tgk ko! Totally different babe! Cantik sudah kamu! More feminine & gorgeous. Ckp pon dh sopan dh, x loud sgt cam dulu. Ye la, org darah manis ni kan ;) Happy sgt jumpe korg! Later repeat lg ek?! :) Or in raye open house perhaps?! ;)

Haa kalau cite part mkn lak, SF buffet nih mmg varieties. Byk tul station dia, aku rase ade la dlm 6 stations, sume food lenlain. From local to western, japanese & deserts. Byk choice, the food is all ok, but not a WOW 1 la as qimie said ;) But mmg puas hati! aku suke! :) Tmpt dia pon spacious & comfy, pastu dpt lak table yg strategic. Mmg best!

notes: psssttt! aku cilok gbr2 nih frm korang tau! :P pastu kan, kan korg dok mkn ais krim last2 tuh kan, esok tuh teringat2 lak aku! Nyesal x mkn! Sibok je ngn ice, tu la dia nye! :P


Mrs Zamzuri said...

10 yrs back i was like 18.. dats y masa tuh LOUD. hahaha... open hse nih antara ko n aida la jadik host ek.. aku dtg makan jek.. hahhahah... open hse aku tahun depan.

eedany said...

Wow bestnya jumpa2 member lama gitu...

tentu banyak cerita best2 kan?

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri eza. Maaf Zahir & Batin.


Ziana said...

mmg best ek?

apesal aku x kenal ek diorg?
mase kat ampng pon aku x kenal ko..

MOLY said...

uish .. sedapnyaaa ...
cam lazat jer tengok

Buat Eza and family ..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Have fun and take care


Unknown said...

beb .. mmg best lah .. nanti kita jadikan acara tahunan utk mommy's day ye .. next year qmie pun akan jadi mommy gak .. utk zee, next time boleh je join .. takde masalah .. kita org ok jerkk ..
eza, part 2nd wife tu, aku nak tepuk tangan jerrrr ...