As usual, let the piccas tell you the story k... *bkn pe, dh x lrt dh nih nk menaip or buat pe pon. perot senak gile byk mkn! bloated! dh la pakai kebatat, sendat dh jd nye! ahahhaha :P
tp mmg aku x larat dh nk mkn heh! konyang!
Byk gile food, tgk pon x larat. Mane la x beround2 aku mkn :P Ade nasik dagang, mee rebus, roti jala, nasi himpit, lemang, kuah kacang, rendang, varieties of kuih raye, deserts, cakes & many more... Mmg smpai esok pg la aku kenyang nih! Alhamdulillah! :) *tp mlm ni kalau jd ade agenda... jd ke weh?! ;)
notes: more piccas will be uploaded later k... nk tepek muke2 yg kekenyangan... hehehe :P
aku nmpk Speggeti n tiramisu cake!!!
eza.. jom starbuck!!
alamak .. beshnya tgk
macam2 ade ..
mabeles !!!
bestnye eza.. meriah gak kan department ko pnye open houz.. mcm2 ada.. klu aku pun knpem knyang smpai ke ptg.. mlm ofcoz kene mkn lg :p ehehe..
weh, bkn spegeti la tuh! mee rebus daaa :P
sb? jom aa?! asik x jd je nih...
sodap! sodap! konyang! :D
meriah gak... aku mkn mmg smpai ke esok pg tuh kenyang! hehehe :P
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