I am sick of receiving tons of forwarding emails daily into my inbox. Yes it is nice to share something with others. I appreciate the thoughtfulness. But sometimes it's annoying me. Really really bothered me. It's not two or three in a day which i think i can still compromise. It's like 20 to 30 emails or i must say junks to be specific per day, from a single sender?! If you are in my shoes, can you stand that?? Bile dh byk sgt, aku pon naik rimas & it took me forever to delete them all. Yes, i delete them straight away & not even bothered to open any of it. Mmg la boleh nk delete. Bkn susah pon eh? Hey, it's my inbox, my time you are talking abt. So pls be more responsible & sensitive abt this. Jgn syok sendiri. Please.
As i was google-ing myself abt this, i found this. Which is very true & useful to share with all of you. The 5 rules of forwarding email. Just take a minute & read it! Rules are made to be broken, but most of the times we need to follow the rules to ensure we don't slip along the way. That's life.
For me, forwarding emails it's not my cup of tea unless it is really really really necessary. I will make sure the recipients are the selected one, the one that i feel comfortable to share with. And only if i surely think that it is useful, beneficial & informative to the recipient. Ni ade tuh fakta x sahih lg dh fwd2. E.g. pasal halal / haram. Isk! Confusing! There's nothing wrong to forward jokes. Just an intention to put smiles on others, right? Tp kalau dah berpuluh2 jokes sehari, sengal dh nk gelak. Annoying! Soh org boikot itu ini, are you totally boycotting??? Please think before you click the send button.
Frm the article: "The above 5 rules will help qualify if an email is worth forwarding and the right way to do so if it is. If one cannot make these extra efforts, then they really have no excuse to get mad or have hurt feelings when asked to stop. And if asked to stop forwarding, don’t get mad; just realize the person on the other side certainly has the right to make that request."
No offense. Sorry.
notes: kak, don't worry. it's not you. we are sisters, we share everything ;) ni cite lain. ehehhe :P
As i was google-ing myself abt this, i found this. Which is very true & useful to share with all of you. The 5 rules of forwarding email. Just take a minute & read it! Rules are made to be broken, but most of the times we need to follow the rules to ensure we don't slip along the way. That's life.
For me, forwarding emails it's not my cup of tea unless it is really really really necessary. I will make sure the recipients are the selected one, the one that i feel comfortable to share with. And only if i surely think that it is useful, beneficial & informative to the recipient. Ni ade tuh fakta x sahih lg dh fwd2. E.g. pasal halal / haram. Isk! Confusing! There's nothing wrong to forward jokes. Just an intention to put smiles on others, right? Tp kalau dah berpuluh2 jokes sehari, sengal dh nk gelak. Annoying! Soh org boikot itu ini, are you totally boycotting??? Please think before you click the send button.
Frm the article: "The above 5 rules will help qualify if an email is worth forwarding and the right way to do so if it is. If one cannot make these extra efforts, then they really have no excuse to get mad or have hurt feelings when asked to stop. And if asked to stop forwarding, don’t get mad; just realize the person on the other side certainly has the right to make that request."
No offense. Sorry.
notes: kak, don't worry. it's not you. we are sisters, we share everything ;) ni cite lain. ehehhe :P
agreed .. kalau takat email kat yahoo aku tak kisah sangat .. tp kalau main email tu aku kisah sbb it dept dapat traced dan dapat lah letter .. tu yg tak syok tu .. dorang takut virus serang server .. masalah kan !!
isk isk...
agak nyer org pon dok menyampah kita foward email tu kan..erm..kita ada forward kat akak x? kalau ada kita nak kua kan nama dari group kita tu sbb takut mengganggu..huhu~
aida: ermm mcm2 la. virus la pe la. paling utama, annoying!
mala: appreciate it. thanx ;)
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