Will go to gsc pavillion tonite for geng (upin&ipin) movie. Promised nawfal the other day & the booking already made earlier. Don't worry dear, even mama demam, janji tetap janji ;) This will be your 1st time to the cinema. So let's see how it goes ok ;)

nawfal: "adik, jgn kaco mama. mama pening. no adik, no no! nnt mlm abg nk tgk upin & ipin". hehehe sabo je la :P

nawfal: "adik, jgn kaco mama. mama pening. no adik, no no! nnt mlm abg nk tgk upin & ipin". hehehe sabo je la :P
baikkkkk pny warning si abg kat adiknyer...
mementang nk tgk upin ipin..
bg can mama dia rest ek..
join rombongan cik ziana ke? hik2...
pi skali ngan zie ke? msti best kan tgk ramai2.. aku nk booking esok da full.. mayb nxt time kot.. hope lama la tayangan dia.. enjoy ur movie k ;)
wah3 seronoknyer rombongan cik kiah ker ? hehehehe .....amirul pon beria-ria ngan upin&ipin nie ...nak bawa g wayang mcm takot dier x leh duduk lama ......ehhehe tgok nawfal dulu .....eheheheh
zie: dia pon pandai gak main saiko2 nih :)
ina: aah. rombongan cik zie ke gsc ;)
zt: nnt ko pon g kan? tp aku enjoy the movie dulu lah ye ;)
tinie: ala heret je hubby ko skali nnt. xkan dia xnk kan? mm 1st experience for nawfal. let's see how :)
hi eza,
tq ya krn u sudi menonton film "geng" n tentu anak u suka...:)
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