Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tag lagi

Bagus jgk byk tag. Terisi jgk entry aku. Hahaha Credit to atune for this one! ;)

The rules:
It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Have fun! Don't forget to post it!

1. What is your name: eZa
2. Four letter word: e.a.s.y
3. A boy's name: ehsan
4. A girl's name: emily
5. An occupation: engineer
6. A color: emerald
7. Something you'll wear: elle
8. A food: eskrem *hahahaha :P
9. Something found in the bathroom: errr ???
10. A place: england
11. A reason for being late: elongated lrt
12. Something you'd shout: eh!!!
13. A movie title: e.t.
14. Something you drink: es teh sosro *hahaha penangan ayam penyet. leh lak ni yg aku terpk :P
15. A musical group: evenescence
16. An animal: elephant
17. A street: elm street
18. A type of car: escape
19. The title of a song: endless love

Ceh! I thought it was easy. Pecah kepala gue! So i want to tag these people so that korang sesame pecah kepale. Hahahaha :P
ms lola

& anyone yg nk join pecah kepale ;)


Ms Lola said...

Teh Sosro tu yg gua tak tahan..... hahaha

eZa said...

ms lola: penangan mkn kt ayam penyet la tuh. hehehe es teh.. hehehe air tu pulak yg terigt :P

MS said...

orait nati ku buat

eZa said...

mamaadib: ade dua tau. hehehe :)

Unknown said...

wei .. teh tu tak sedap kan .. nak pengsan kepala aku minum teh tu .. kat sini depa jual mahal .. kat bandung teh tu 30sen sekotak SAHAJA ..

eZa said...

aida: aku x pnh rs yg ori nye kt sane. rs kt ayam penyet je. ok je bg aku ;)

i'm Lina said...

mak aiii....
ko nak pecahkan pale aku lak eh...hik2...

es teh botol... sounds gud !!