Friday, June 12, 2009

The Big Camera Debate

There are just hilarious and crazy but always have good points to debate. Have you heard about this? Interesting! Ada sesape dah submit komen ke? Me? For now I only have my handphone camera. So sad, my sony comps broken already. Sob! Sob! So, I'll just rest my comments til i have both ok ;)

Tapi nak jugak bagi my opinion - I'm very comfortable with comps. Light and easy to handle. The optical zoom is something must look-into when buying. However, owning a DSLR is always my dream. Selalu bagitau mr hubby that I have passion and talent in photography. Dan selalu jugak lah dia buat muka tak percaya. Sila lah beli satu untuk saya. Akan saya buktikan kepada dunia. Hahaha :P Tak dapat DSLR pun takpe lah. For now, a comps is just more than enough *wink*

Erkk! Tak sanggup tengok Ben makan bull's penis soup! Eiiiiyewwww! :P


muadzlife said...

wah2...ada talent yer..ayat yg sunggoh baguz... :)

cepat2 beli...boley posing ramai2..hehehe

@xiM said...

jom join geng DSLR..cepat cepat la pujuk encik suami okeh suh beli DSLR untuk isteri nya yang tercinta..
