Pegagi dah rasa mandom dan mendung. Nak hujan rupanya. Half way to Taman Jaya, hujan mencurah. Luckily bawak bag besar and the umbrella's inside.
Been bz lately. Workloads yang melimpah ruah. Belum siap yang ini, yang itu pulak datang. I'm loosing my focus and the prioroties all rumbles up. There's deadline to be catch up, hope everything will settled down in a good manner.
The influenza is spreading up and it's getting nearer every seconds. Oh, please go away virus. You're not welcome...
Take care mates! HappyWednesday Tuesday!
Been bz lately. Workloads yang melimpah ruah. Belum siap yang ini, yang itu pulak datang. I'm loosing my focus and the prioroties all rumbles up. There's deadline to be catch up, hope everything will settled down in a good manner.
The influenza is spreading up and it's getting nearer every seconds. Oh, please go away virus. You're not welcome...
Take care mates! Happy
i punya tempat hujan lebat giler! but nasib baik keluar rumah awal. so sempat sampai ofis awal.
owh patut syok tedo..
fuh!!!! pagi tadi nak gi kerja hujan lebat giler..tapi alhamdulillah..elok kita nak keluar je, hujan dah reda
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