This was happened last Saturday, May 30th. We (ukm bff) had hi-tea at KL Tower revolving restaurant. The last time we went there for gathering was like 6-7 years ago. Time tuh sume mak dara, now dah jadi mak orang. Tapi tetap over :P I had so much fun, so did my son Nawfal. Bukan penat makan, but penat over bergambo! Tak senonoh! :P

notes 1: there're a lot of photos. 500 to be exact! so this is really ciput of it. more pix at zie's ;)
notes 2: nawfal's mkl entry will be out soon. he was auntie zie's subject for the day. muke dia je dlm memory card tuh. hehehehe :P
mak aii..tingginyer melompat..ganaz betul mak2 orang ni..hehe
best best..
nk lpak lg ngan korang
mayb nxt time leh pi vacation kat mana2..
p/s: suma da ada n3 MKL.. aku ngan tinie je x buat lg.. huhuhu
bila plak turn kita nak buat entry MKL tie ....
anywy thanks frens and amirul also enjoy w/pon at the begining amirul start wit tears ...tears hepi sgt kot ...kui3
bila plak kite nak ber hi tea nih?
wah!!! you guys really had fun eih?
kak ieja: sy pon x sangka sy lompat setinggi tuh. hhehehe :P
zeti: better late than never ;)
mrs zamzuri: mm asik lah x jd eh. bile bday ko? 12th eh?
MN: indeed! fun & happening! ;)
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