Monday, June 1, 2009


This was happened last Saturday, May 30th. We (ukm bff) had hi-tea at KL Tower revolving restaurant. The last time we went there for gathering was like 6-7 years ago. Time tuh sume mak dara, now dah jadi mak orang. Tapi tetap over :P I had so much fun, so did my son Nawfal. Bukan penat makan, but penat over bergambo! Tak senonoh! :P

No photos of food this time. The food was really so-so. Get together, that's what most important ;) Zie, Ina, Tinie and Zeti... Thank you for the lovely and happening evening. Muaahhh! ;) So boleh la plan for next event ye ;)

notes 1: there're a lot of photos. 500 to be exact! so this is really ciput of it. more pix at zie's ;)
notes 2: nawfal's mkl entry will be out soon. he was auntie zie's subject for the day. muke dia je dlm memory card tuh. hehehehe :P


HazlisaNoor said...

mak aii..tingginyer melompat..ganaz betul mak2 orang ni..hehe

zeti said...

best best..
nk lpak lg ngan korang
mayb nxt time leh pi vacation kat mana2..

p/s: suma da ada n3 MKL.. aku ngan tinie je x buat lg.. huhuhu

~ #TinieFabulous ~ said...

bila plak turn kita nak buat entry MKL tie ....
anywy thanks frens and amirul also enjoy w/pon at the begining amirul start wit tears ...tears hepi sgt kot ...kui3

Mrs Zamzuri said...

bila plak kite nak ber hi tea nih?

MN said...

wah!!! you guys really had fun eih?

eZa said...

kak ieja: sy pon x sangka sy lompat setinggi tuh. hhehehe :P

zeti: better late than never ;)

mrs zamzuri: mm asik lah x jd eh. bile bday ko? 12th eh?

MN: indeed! fun & happening! ;)