Sunday, June 21, 2009

@ The Zoo

Last Saturday, we spent half of our day at the zoo. It turned out well as it was a last minute plan. Never been there again since i last set my foot say 15 years ago(?) That's why i was very excited, as excited as the children ;)

However my excitement melted the moment i entered the zoo. Gosh! Nothing's change. It is still as it is. I think the lion is the same lion i saw during my rombongan sekolah rendah 21 years ago. Dah atuk-atuk dah tuh. Hahaha :P But i think it's good for the children to get to know the animals. Selalu kenal kat buku je eh? ;)

some of the animals that attracted the lens...

Borak macam borak orang dewasa. It amazed auntie zie a lot. Hehehe. Alhamdulillah there get along very well ;) Cepat masa berlalu, this year they celebrates their 3rd years of life... :)

menggediks before we went off :P
lapo! lapo! mane pegi tah kfc dalam tuh eh?

Zie and ina, thanx for the fun day. Perhaps we should do this more often. Good for zie to brush up her photography skills. Hahaha :P Pa pe pon, credits to her for the pix. Ok babes, our next stop is PD! ;)

notes1: tinie, kilat dah ke umah ko? zt, jumpa kat PD eh? ;)
notes2: mentang2 baru balik HK, bleh plak nak compare-compare eh? proud to be malaysian lah beb! hahaha :P


Ziana said...

await pic kocik bona nih??
kasik beso2 laa wei :P

aku pon lama x pi.. xcited gak..
tp.. indah kaba dr rupe ZOO NEGARA nih... lg xcited tgk ketelah bebudak dr nengok animals yg ade.. hahahaha..

nawfal n adam borak mcm org tua!!
huhuhuhu.. tejekut!! age of 3 dh leh borak mcm tuh ek?? bagus bebdk skang nih kan!! cpt pikap!!

thanks to u and ina...
after tis PD ek!! zt n tinie..
make sure fllw tau!! :)

errr... bkn compare babe!!
tapiiiiiiiiii... ko sendri pon ajak blah mase diorg buat show animals tuh kan?? leh tgk betapa jauh kebelakang zoo kite neh.. aku rase aku setuju laa diorg ada ura2 nk pindah kan zoo nih ke tmp lain.. atleast new environment, new landskap and bangga laa skit.. compare then skang nih.. xde pape perubahan lgsung.. makin kureng ade laa.. sampai kan kfc pon dh xde.. so sad laa.. they shld do sunthin!! seriously!!

**wei.. aku nk pinjam nawfal... teman deting!! :) syok borak ngan dia.. :)

eZa said...

babe: untung lah leh enlarge (skit). kalau aku x bg enlarge trus lg trok kan? aku kan low profile. bior nmpk samar je muke tuh. hahaha :P

thanx to u too for the fun day! x sabo nk berkampung kt pd nih ;)

ko nk pinjam nawfal? bleh bleh. no prob. tp igt pesan aku, jgn nk manjakan sgt dia :P