He'll celebrate his 3rd birthday tomorrow. Hari² tanya bila nak birthday. Hehehe :P For now let's recap his 1st and 2nd birthday party ;)
1st birthday party buat kat rumah dengan kenduri doa selamat sekali. Masa ni tak taksub lagi dengan apa² cartoon character. So dia redha je pe pon birthday cake dia :P Yang ni tempah last minute dekat baker's cottage amp.point. Sedap! It was a 2kg chocolate moist cake if i'm not mistaken. With tigger gel drawing on top ;)
1st birthday party buat kat rumah dengan kenduri doa selamat sekali. Masa ni tak taksub lagi dengan apa² cartoon character. So dia redha je pe pon birthday cake dia :P Yang ni tempah last minute dekat baker's cottage amp.point. Sedap! It was a 2kg chocolate moist cake if i'm not mistaken. With tigger gel drawing on top ;)

mama was 7mths pregnant that time ;)
2nd birthday buat dekat skool. That time dia sungguh taksub kepada character fireman sam di astro ceria. He was very happy to have his birthday at skool. Teruja dengan gel drawing fireman sam kat atas kek tuh satu hal lah kan. Hehehe ;) Pastu ramai kengkawan dia ada skali (ML, sophia pon ada kan? ;)) Adik pun ada skali time nih. Tu yang buat dia lagi excited & starting from that day he understood the meaning of birthday. Kalau birthday mesti nyanyi lagu happy birthday, kena potong kek & all ;) Btw, this too was chocolate moist cake, 1.4 2kg, freshly baked by sis yatt from yatt's lil kitchen. Sungguh² yummy-into-the-tummy! ;)
mama was not pregnant until now :P
3rd birthday? We wait til tomorrow lah ye. At last he decided to do the cake cutting at skool. Haa lega mak, nyah! Takde la nak kene pikir pe nak masak bagai. Kek dah tempah dah, still at yatt's lil kitchen. Party packs? Party hat? Arghhhh! Not ready yet! Bertungkus lumus la petang & malam ni prepare semua. So kita sambung cerita esok lah ye. Hope everything goes well ;)

mama was not pregnant until now :P
MOga sehat slalu..
noti skit2 xpe..!!!
jom kite jejln!!
09072009 - mama inda proses for d'3rd one...... erks!!
huhuhuh..... lariks!!
ben10 plak ke?
xpon bumbelbee...jenuh nk design
happy b'day nawfal..
be gud boy k :)
msti thn ni pnye celebration meriah kan sbb celebrate ngan frens kat skool..
A ah. Ado. Naufal bila nak pi tadika? Haha
HEPI Bedday Nawfal!!!!
nanti kite celebrate kat PD yaaa....
adam pagi td dok tanye...
"Nawfal g skool sama tak?"
kuikui... aku jpw "skool Nawfal jauh.. kan umah dia jauh..."
tq for the bday wish y'ols..! ;)
zie: xde mane de tgh proses 3rd :P
ML: insyaAllah nxt yr :)
don't worry 4th nanti gerenti mama tgh preg 2 mth ..;p
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