My 1st time to capsquare kl. Teringat pulak atune pernah recommend this tappers cafe. So time's saved, tak yah poning pikir mana nak makan. Tq bebeh! ;)
nice gravy but the pie filling is a bit dry ;)
I love the cafe's deco, all white! The food? We had linguine chicken pasta, chicken pie with chips and chicken pie with mash (i should've ordered fish & chip, nampak sodap! :P). Overall, ok je... Kena makan meal lain kot baru kena. Sandwiches perhaps? ;) Tapi kalau setakat nak lepak memang best. Price dia pon very reasonable ;)
Ms zietikuih, sila publish gambo! :P
notes1: bosan la capsquare :P
notes2: insiden pelepah klape... sori beb, aku terkedu! :(

I love the cafe's deco, all white! The food? We had linguine chicken pasta, chicken pie with chips and chicken pie with mash (i should've ordered fish & chip, nampak sodap! :P). Overall, ok je... Kena makan meal lain kot baru kena. Sandwiches perhaps? ;) Tapi kalau setakat nak lepak memang best. Price dia pon very reasonable ;)
Ms zietikuih, sila publish gambo! :P
notes1: bosan la capsquare :P
notes2: insiden pelepah klape... sori beb, aku terkedu! :(
i've no complaint abt the foods.. sedap jek!!
deco mmg super kewl!!
i loike it very much!
cuci muka td.. pedih wei..
rupanye ade calar balar tepi pipi..
nawfal pon ade kan??
kat dahi dia merah2..
byk posting pasal makanan jer... heeee...
told ya!!!
yg plg besh..
xramai orang!!
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