Today we had a sinful lunch at here. Gosh! I felt like I've gained a few kilos! Hahaha :P Don't care, I can nag about it later, forever... Hehehe :P What's more important is the heavenly chocolaty taste. Yummy! Not just the chocolates, the food is nice too ;)

za, pasni ade nak ngidam lagi x? hehehe ;)

all yummy! ;) ann, ok tak? hehehe :)

definitely will come again as there are a lot to be tasted :P
publish la dianye url mana tau ade yg nk tgk menu dia yg mengiurkan tuu...
buat masa ni.. cukup² la tu ngidam. :)
ooo makan xajak. lain kali cengko xnak abis kan roti kat 'pantry' tu...
eh, ye ke...??!!?? hehee...
dh pi duluk!!
mmg sedap...hehehe..pasni kiter tunggu annnyer ngidam za kene cpt2 blk dr cuti cukup 'kaki'...hehehe
saya pon boleh cukupkan 'kaki' gak. apa salahnya... hehehee
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