Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to work

Today is my first day at work. Bukan kerja baru, kerja lama. First day of the week lah ;) Yesterday hubby and me took a day off just to meng-over make-over our room. Tapi takde lah extremely make-over macam deco bersama eric ke deco idaman. It's really the time for us to do something with the room. Serabut dah dengan arrangement lama yang saya rasa dah 3 tahun umurnya. Hahaha :P We re-arranged the furniture and threw up old bills, letters and broken toys serta all the unwanted things. Hasilnya? Sungguh memuaskan, spacious and well arranged ;) It took us the whole day to kemas all the mess. Tu baru satu bilik, belum satu rumah. Phewww! ;)

Masuk² ofis bersusun dah my task on the table. So Eza, holiday's over! Get back to work! ;)


Ziana said...

masok bilik baru laa nih?

ye Pn Eza..
holidays is over!

Nurmala Mazlan said...

adeh!!! semua bat make over ni naper.. tadi ada blog sapa ntah kita baca dia make over dapur

eZa said...

zie: bilik berwajah baru. refreshing! ;)

mala: maknanye awak kene make-over rumah jugak lah tuh ;)